iOS Developer in Jusan Bank
- Implemented messaging functionality with Web-Sockets.
- Removed RX from project with using own observers, reducing the ”barrier to entry” for new engineers joining the project.
- Decreased overall project buildtime by getting out of Cocoapods using SwiftPMinstead.
iOS Developer at Andersen Lab
Finished a project Sheasy application for recipe search. The app uses edamam.com Recipe Search API. The app includes a search bar with filter, favourites, detail screen with nutrients and calories for each dish. The app was created based on MVC Architecture.
Discussions with iOS team lead on the following topics:
- Architectural patterns MVC, MVP, MVVM, VIP & VIPER
- Multithreaded programming
- Design patterns Singleton, Observer, Delegate,
- SOLID, DRY, KISS principles
- Data Structures
- HTTP requests
- Git commands and GitHub
- Project management framework Agile Scrum
Java Mentor in Profi.kz
- Mentoring students in groups for OOP programming using Java
- Control Flow, Loops, Methods, Arrays, ArrayLists, Classes and Objects, OOP, Collections, Map.
Master’s Degree in Software Engineering
Boğaziçi University September 2022 - June 2024
iOS Developer Bootcamp (5 months)
Swiftbook.ru online Academy
- Learn Swift programming language
- XCode integrated development environment
- Algorithms and their performance Big-O
Software Engineering Bootcamp (6 weeks)
Jusan Singularity
- Java language
- Algorithms and Data structure
Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering
- Nazarbayev University
- Have experience in planning building’s steel and concrete structures, making strength analysis including seismicity, wind forces, dead and live loads. I can create 3D models of buildings in Revit, AutoCAD; making energy and cost analysis in BeOpt, Plaxis and DesignBuilder.
Phone: +90(543)-133-58-01 Email: rashidgaitov@gmail.com